Facility Update
By now everyone knows that the boating Ban has been lifted. However the Stay At Home order has been extended. LBMC will be operating in a very limited capacity until this changes.
1. The launch ramp is open for you. there is a cash box by the main store entrance. Also Season Launch passes are available. You can call and have one mailed to you or pick up curb side. Linwood Party Store also has passes available over the counter.
2. PARTS DEPARTMENT: Parts can be ordered over the phone for curb side pick up. Our store and showroom will remain closed.
3. Our new Web Page is up and running. All new and pre owned boat inventory can be viewed. Boat sales can be completed via email and over the phone. New boat deliveries can be done by appointment with social distancing practices.
4. SERVICE DEPARTMENT remains closed at this time. We are adjusting our service schedule to help as many people as we can once we are able to open. For service scheduling please email john@linwoodbeachmarina.com
5. CAMPGROUNDS: Yes we are working on turning on the water. Seasonal campers can begin bringing in their units and setting up camp. Remember to practice all social distancing. We are on site to monitor this. Please follow all CDC and State Guidelines as we do not want any more extensions or closures. However, no transient campground activity is being allowed until the STAY AT HOME mandate is lifted. The shower houses and restrooms will remain closed per Order.
6. Seasonal Docks: Most docks are ready for use. Some repairs are underway. If you want to put your boat in please call to make sure you slip is ready. However, no transient dock-age activity is being allowed until the STAY AT HOME mandate is lifted.
7. Fuel Dock: The fuel dock is open, please call ahead for assistance. The pump out is also available.
8. SUMMER EVENTS: We are currently waiting to see what the event schedule will be. Some tournaments have been cancelled and or rescheduled. We will update the events page on our web page and on Facebook in the near future.
LBMC Staff and Management understands how special the boating and camping lifestyle is to you and your families. We are committed to making the 2020 season a special season. Thank you for your patients and understanding during this most unusual time we are all experiencing. If you have any questions please feel free to email or call. Email is the best way to contact due to limited staffing.